The Université de Lyon
- News & About
- Missions
- Member and associated institutions
- Governance and bodies
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- News & About
- Doctoral training programs
- Innovative training
- Training programs provided by the institutions
- IDEXLYON certified Master's programs
- Life-long learning
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- Undergraduate transformation: CURSUS+
- News & About
- Overview of research
The Investments for the Future program (PIA)
- Graduate Schools of Research (EUR)
Convergence Institutes
- Lyon Urban School
- LabEx
- Apply for a PhD
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- Enrolling in a PhD program
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- International mobility
- Careers and employment
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- Collegium de Lyon
- International Laboratories
- Technology transfer acceleration company: Pulsalys
- Ethics platform
- Open Access policy
Innovation & Entrepreneurship
- News & About
- To develop entrepreneurial spirit: BEELYS
- The Innovation Factory: Innovating and approaching entrepreneurship differently
- Technology transfer acceleration company: Pulsalys
- To train toward innovation through digitalization: Disrupt'Campus
- News & About
- The Alliance: international partnerships
Coming to Lyon and Saint-Étienne
To study
- Students Welcome Desk
- For your PhD
- For your research
To study
Going abroad
- To study
- For your PhD or research
- International Laboratories
- Arqus European University Alliance
Campus life
- News & About
- Campus map
- Lyon Cité Campus
- LyonTech-la Doua 2025
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- Welcoming students
- Student accommodation
- Documentation and libraries
- Student engagement
- Student organization training
- Students' health
- Disability and accessibility
- Sports
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- Digital University
The Université de Lyon, committed to the energy and ecological transition
- The site strategy
- The eco-friendly action campaign
Culture, science and society
- News & About
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Science and Society agenda
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- Pop'Sciences
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Cultural agenda
- Campus Arts Festival - JACES
RESETIS platform
- Why the RESETIS platform?
- Training and raising awareness
- Providing tools and promoting involvement
- Encouraging debate and supporting research
- 'Mediation between Science and Society' training program
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The Université de Lyon:
project 2023-2030
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The Université de Lyon is a world-class academic site of excellence. Awarded the IDEX label in 2017, it is located at the heart of the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region, in Lyon & Saint-Étienne. ► Find out more
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awarded the IDEX labelLatest news - See all
23 JUL
The current health situation and the future development of certain procedures impact the conditions for receiving and renewing residence permits.
Researchers at the Institute for Catalysis and Environmental Research of Lyon (Institut de recherches sur la catalyse et l’environnement de Lyon – Ircelyon) are currently testing a method that uses chemical compounds in the breath to detect Covid-19.
02 JUL
The new Figaro Étudiant ranking puts Lyon as the second best city to study in.
27 APR
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